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Beautiful Rainbow Window Stars and Hearts Craft for Kids

Writer's picture: Our Playful Learning JourneyOur Playful Learning Journey

A beautiful way to brighten up a window is with these pretty window stars and cellophane hearts that are fun to make!

 window star and heart craft for kids using cellophane and kite paper.
A fun craft that looks beautiful displayed on the window!

Let's have fun creating some beautiful window decorations!

These stars and hearts are a beautiful way to add joy and colour to your windows. They aren't too hard to make either.

Get the kids involved in making something that can be proud of! Keep reading to find out what we used to make our window decorations.

*Craft ideas for children ages 3+. These craft ideas were all supervised by an adult. Please always supervise scissor use.

Rainbow Window Stars Craft

This rainbow window stars craft is a wonderful way to add happiness and fun to a space! Here is a list of the paper we used to make ours and the tutorial that we used.

What we used:

For the regular sized stars and small stars we used:

For the larger stars we used:

Reverie Craft also sells this kite paper online too.

*These are not affliate links - just linked to help you find it easily.

How to guide:

These are the guide that we used to learn how to make the stars:

Written instructions + photo instructions

Ways to change it up…

Mini Window Stars

Make mini stars by using the smallest squares of kite paper (16 x 16cm) and cutting them into four little squares.

The mini squares are slightly harder to work with due to the size, but make the cutest mini window stars!

Both Miss 8 and Miss 4 (with some help) enjoyed making these mini stars!

Making small window stars using kite paper
Making small window stars using kite paper

Window stars craft for kids + rainbow blocks on a windowsill
The stars look beautiful on the window!

Make bigger window stars

Use the larger kite paper 22 x 22cm to make larger window stars!

Large rainbow window stars craft for kids in a kids reading area
The large stars look wonderful too!

Cellophane Rainbow Hearts Craft

We read the children's book called "You are Loved" by Liv Downing and talked about how I will always love them no matter what and that nothing will ever stop me from loving them.

Book recommendation and idea inspired by @the.teacher.mumma on Instagram.

Afterwards we made some beautiful hearts for our windows.

We used:

  • Cellophane - from Officeworks Australia (called Kadink transparent sheets 5pk)

  • Clear contact paper

  • Coloured card

  • Scissors

cellophane window heart craft for kids
Window heart craft for kids

Both my girls enjoyed cutting up the cellophane - which was a great fine motor workout!

I cut up some strips for Miss 4 to cut up as this made it a bit easier.

cellophane window hearts craft for kids
Contact paper heart shapes to stick cellophane to.

Then they stuck the cellophane pieces to the contact paper.

We did this a bit backwards and ended up adding a cardboard heart frame on at the end as I thought they would be strong enough to go onto the window without the cardboard frame, but they weren't.

Window heart craft for kids using cellophane and contact paper
Using cellophane to make the window heart.

I recommend you start by cutting out a heart frame and adding clear contact sticky side up so that the cellophane can be stuck to it.

window cellophane heart craft for kids with the book You are Loved by Liv Downing
This was a beautiful craft to make.

They looked so pretty with all the different colours when they were finished.

Cellophane window heart craft for kids
Cellophane window heart

If you like this heart craft you may also like this blog post: DIY Heart Window Suncatchers


Our windows look so bright and happy with these window decorations!

I hope you found some inspiration to create your own beautiful window stars or hearts. They really do make a space look beautiful and add so much joy!

Until next time, have fun learning in a playful way!

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